Time to Reflect on your Talent Strategy?
My role as chief people officer having co-founded Leaders on Demand and shared how our team supports CEOs and their teams through flexible, variable cost deployments.

Your Liquidity Agenda
Cash is likely to be moving closer to the top of your agenda, right now. You learn things the hard way while turning around a multinational business 'on a dime'.

Courageous Conversations
As organisations seek increased performance, engagement, retention and a positive culture of trust, courageous conversations are more critical than ever.
Cash Confidence
A growing number of directors recognise that the spotlight could soon be shining on the vital skills their organisations need to visibly and effectively manage liquidity. Have you made sure your CEOs have the benefit of the NED perspective?

Super-Ambition Funds of Australia
The Australian superannuation industry is immersed in a rapid transformational phase, which is placing unprecedented demand on Chief Executives, their leadership teams, trustees and boards and even the industry's regulators.
Safe Harbour
A company-led turnaround enables a business to remain in control of its destiny, seek capital from appropriate sources on fair terms and do the right thing to build value for its stakeholders.